Saturday, December 12, 2015

Memento (FINAL)

ARTIST'S STATEMENT: Being that I have always had a very visual memory, for this piece I strove to work with a memory that I recalled mainly by physical sensation instead. This would allow me to build my work off of emotion rather than pictorial memory, and thus, allow it to be more abstract. 

The memory I chose was the first time I went on Rock n' Rollercoaster and The Twilight Zone's Tower of Terror at Disney's Hollywood Studios for my 17th birthday. I had always avoided large rides due to my fear of drops and going upside down as a child, so when my friends convinced me to experience these two intense rides back-to-back for the first time, my body's physical reaction was one of the strongest I have ever felt. I used these extremes and feelings to help me craft the piece. The acute triangles that sharply rise from the base represent the quick and drastic drops with and against gravity that I felt riding Tower of Terror and being launched upward from zero to sixty miles per hour on Rock n' Rollercoaster. Meanwhile, the red thread I sewed into the black cardboard represents the adrenaline rush I felt during and after the event, while the yellow thread it is tangled with represents the intense happiness I felt as a result of the blood rush and conquering my fears with my friends. 

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